ID.BA.P1.204 Präzens Paltform


Lehrende: Prof. Beat Brogle; Prof. Samuel Nyholm; Prof. Asli Serbest

Veranstaltungsart: Arbeitsgemeinschaft

Anzeige im Stundenplan: ID.BA.P1.204

Credits: 6,0

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Präzens Paltform

Präzens Paltform, is an imperfect and nomadic social interface for the HfK, where each user has the possibility to contribute organically to its form.

A team of teachers and students, we are continuously developing the simple site including some basic functions for posting media that can easily be redesigned and adapted to the needs of its contributors, with the help of simple programming or in discussions with the development team. The principle of the site is subtly anarchic, with unlimited administrative rights and no regulations for all users who become contributors.

We will start the class with a discussion of the terms presence and platform. For that we will read texts from media and architecture theory and spiritualist philosophy.
During the WS 20-12 we will not solve, but create problems, learn from our previous mistakes, but more importantly multiply them and make as many new ones as possible until the entire World Wide Web becomes anti-matter.

Lehrende: Markus Walthert, Asli Serbest, Samuel Nyholm, Beat Brogle

im Regelfall 6 CP

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Übersicht der Kurstermine
Prof. Beat Brogle
Prof. Samuel Nyholm
Prof. Asli Serbest