DM.M-MA-2/B-MA-2(MW) Emotional life and spirituality (Special Topics in Digital Media/Interdisciplinary/Free Electives)


Lehrende: Dr. Nicolás Novoa Artigas

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: DM.M-MA-2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: - | -

Emotional life and spirituality

Of the various aspects that make up our complex human existence, one of the most basic and central, as well as one with the greatest impact on our well-being, is undoubtedly that of emotional life. However, it is likely that no aspect of such importance has been neglected as much as this in our formal education – often, focused almost exclusively on our intellectual development.

This seminar will approach the subject of our felt and emotional existence and its relationship to spirituality. We will start by elaborating a working idea of spirituality in order to show that at its very core lies implicit a general idea of how we should relate to our emotions and feelings. When we speak of spirituality, we are not thinking here of a specific tradition, but of a realm that is always to be discovered in a direct and intimate way by each individual, and which will normally be related to certain elements common to various traditions, which we might call spiritual truth or dharma. The notion of dharma used here refers to certain universal features of human existence, to which we must always relate concretely, with different effects on our well-being. Several of these traits are directly related to our emotional life, so that a correct understanding of them, as well as their proper management, are decisive to our chances of being well. Thus, with a concrete idea of spirituality in mind, we will deal with various general topics, such as the central role of pleasure, pain, attachment and avoidance in human life; the dynamic relationship between thought, beliefs and emotions; the inevitability of frustration, its effects on our psychic life and the possibility of its integration; the distinction between pain and suffering, its foundations and implications for well-being; the possibilities of repression, acting-out and letting-be with regard to emotions, etc. We will also concentrate on the study of some specific emotive states such as fear, anger, and love. All this will be done through a guided conversation session by session, as well as through readings from texts by renowned authors related to spirituality, such as Pema Chödrön, Michel Foucault, Claudio Naranjo, Jack Kornfield, Friedrich Nietzsche and Plato. Last but not least, an important part of the seminar will be dedicated to certain practical exercises designed to complement the conversational and analytical work that will be done in the sessions. The syllabus with a detailed list of the texts will be provided in the first session.

3 CP

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Übersicht der Kurstermine
Dr. Nicolás Novoa Artigas