DM.M-MA-2/M-MT Trans-positioning (Special Topics in Digital Media/Interdisciplinary)


Lehrende: Dr. Petra Klusmeyer

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: DM.M-MA-2/M-MT

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 5 | 10



Interdisciplinary Course (DM, FK, ID)
Special Topics in Digital Media/
Media Theory

This course is the second part of an ongoing exploration of sound and research-creation (or artistic research). Last semester's students, who will continue their work this term, have deployed a 'sonic thinking' that has informed their respective projects, if by that we mean a way of engaging with sound through its material and/or conceptual dimensions. This semester, we will focus on 'trans-positioning' the projects, and we invite others to come with their research interests/projects to join us.

Transpose means 'to transfer to a different context' or 'to write in a different register from the original' - 'trans-positioning' is understood as a means of reflection and self-reflexivity on your own art practice. Regardless of the nature of your art research and output, we seek to tap into the potential that lies in connecting practice and theory, learning to articulate aspects of your artwork, and trans-positioning, that is, to get across and position key elements of your research, discovering the means, form, or format that may be required to communicate emerging insights.

In this course, we emphasize the activity of transposing, a processual approach to research-creation that involves reading and writing that, for example, uses 'art writing' as a narrative tool for inquiry, and employs philosophy to develop the bases for your conceptual framework. The output the work will assume at the end of the semester will be determined by your research and your individual needs. In the past, "sound and research-creation" published podcasts that are a hybrid based on student's so-called art writing and exploration of their research into art practice via sound production. However, the medium and format of the final outcome remain open at present.

If you think "Tans-positioning" might be a good fit for you, then please email me to let me know what it is you are working on and what you hope for from this specific context; this way, we can clarify any questions before you commit to the class. Email:

Zusätzliche Informationen:
Special Topics in Digital Media/Media Theory

Interdisciplinary Course (DM, FK, ID)

This kind of course works best with self-motivated individuals who have basic skills in sound production. Beware that we will engage in reading (in English), which takes commitment and patience. Regular attendance is mandatory. Media Theory credits possible: needs prior consultation!

Max. Number of participants: 10
Lottery after the first session.

First session: Tue 18 April 2023

Audio Studio / 2 10.090

Di 10 - 14

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Übersicht der Kurstermine
Dr. Petra Klusmeyer