FK.D.IF Laboratory Amerindian Perspectivism and the Magic of Realism


Lehrende: Dr. César Giraldo Herrera

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: FK.D.IF

Credits: 3,0

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Laboratory Amerindian Perspectivism and the Magic of Realism

Latin American Magical Realism is a movement in literature and arts that recognized how Latin American everyday realities were multiple, imbued in the existential uncertainty of the Encounter of worlds, and in the magic, the wonder of mistranslation. Amerindian Perspectivism, as an anthropological theory, grew out of the attempt to make sense of one of the main flows nurturing these realities. The Encounter was not limited to Latin America, the outflows of Amerindian, African, Asian, and Oceanic realities constitute the unacknowledged roots of modern “Western” sciences and culture. The purpose of this laboratory is first to explore some of the Amerindian perspectival practices that undergird the realities otherwise of magical realism, recognizing how myths are real, and second to realize how magical and multiple “Western” cultures and naturalism are. We will discuss texts by Amerindian thinkers like Davi Kopenawa and Abadio Green Stocel, some of the texts of Magical Realism and Amerindian perspectivism.
This course is part of the seminar series „as part of a journey“.

Zusätzliche Informationen:
Open for Fine Arts, Integrated Design (BA, MA), Digital Media (BA, MA), Music.

normally 3 CP

Presentation / theoretical work


Start: 28.04.2023

Week // Hours // Mode
28.04 // 10-14 // Laboratory
05.05 // 10-14 // Laboratory
12.05 // 10-12 // Virtual
19.05 // 10-12 // Virtual
26.05 // 10-12 // Virtual
02.06 // 10-12 // Virtual
09.06 // 10-12 // Joint session
12.06 (Monday) // 14:30-16:30 // Joint session
03-07.07 // 10-14 // Laboratory
10-14.07 // 10-14 // Laboratory

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Übersicht der Kurstermine
Dr. César Giraldo Herrera