FK.D.KA Klasse Prof. Natascha Sadr Haghighian

Course offering details

Instructors: Prof. Natascha Sadr Haghighian

Event type: künstl.- prakt. Unterricht

Displayed in timetable as: FK.D.KA

Language of instruction: German

(Thought as body, figure, form, formation)

transitive verb
1 a : to process (as by carving, modeling, or welding) plastic or hard materials into works of art.
b : to form into a three-dimensional work of art
2 : to change (the form of the earth's surface) by natural processes (as erosion and deposition)
3 : to shape by or as if by carving or molding
intransitive verb
: to work as a sculptor

Forming or shaping something also includes thinking processes. That is why dialogue, discussion, questioning and investigation is part of our activies in the class.

Alongside the studio practice we read, cook and share thoughts and questions about how our world works and what works in art and what doesn't. We look for and try to understand our sources. Where does material come from? What is a work of art and what is it part of? Where are the slight gaps between work / thing / piece / object / commodity? What are the natural and unnatural processes forming them? we as humans are part of the environmental forces shaping the planet, right? But is humankind's Earth-sculpting phenomena natural or unnatural? Nature, literature, migration and environment among others are themes we discuss and ask ourselves about. We investigate, experiment, think and listen. We create.

Our working language in the class is german and english.

Date From To Room Instructors
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Class session overview
Prof. Natascha Sadr Haghighian